Touchup - Parameters


Download the Touchup.jar file into your page's directory, and place the example code below onto your page. Replace "Vancouver.jpg" with the name of your image. Make your desired changes, click on Touchup's HTML button, and replace the code below with the new code.

<applet mayscript style="left: 0px; width: 600px; top: 0px; height: 400px" name=Touchup code=Touchup.class archive="Touchup.jar" width=600 height=400>
<param name="image" value="vancouver.jpg"> </applet>

All of the following parameters can be set within the <APPLET> HTML definition, this example increases the contrast of the image by 25%:

<applet mayscript style="left: 0px; width: 600px; top: 0px; height: 400px" name=Touchup code=Touchup.class archive="Touchup.jar" width=600 height=400>
<param name="image" value="vancouver.jpg">
<param name="contrast" value="1.25">

Name  Value  Default
imageURL of image to be displayedn/a
lowResLow resolution version of image (optional)n/a
secondarylanguageDefault to secondary language (touchuplanguage2.txt)off
targetHyperlink target window<current window>
titleTitle or copyrightn/a
justifyTitle justify: left, center, right, or bottom (-right)right
infoPicture Information URL or textn/a
pageColorImage background color, format rrggbbFFFFFF (white)
backgroundBackground text color, format rrggbb000000 (black)
foregroundForeground text color, format rrggbbFFFFFF (white)
alphacolorTransparency color, format rrggbb000000 (black)
alphaTransparency 0.00 (opaque, image only) to 1 (alpha color only)0 (opaque)
gammaGamma: 0.00 to 100 (adjust midtones)1.0
brightness-255 to 255 (adjust all colors)0
contrastContrast: 0.00 to 1001.0
saturationSaturation: 0.00 to 1001.0
zoomZoom: 0.00 to 1001.0
colorColor: on or offon
negativeNegative: on or offoff
redGamma: 0.00 to 1001.0
greenGamma: 0.00 to 1001.0
blueGamma: 0.00 to 1001.0
redChannelColor scale: -1 (invert), 0 (void), 1 (default)1
greenChannelColor scale: -1, 0, 11
blueChannelColor scale: -1, 0, 11
posterizationNumber of color steps: 0 to 128 (non-zero disables user change)0 (off)
modeMode: view, basic (zoom and info only), editedit
entryScriptJavascript executed when mouse enters imagen/a
exitScriptJavascript executed when mouse exits imagen/a
clickTitleMessage displayed in status barn/a
clickScriptJavascript executed on mouse clickn/a
btnTitleTitle for user defined buttonn/a
btnScriptJavascript executed when button clickedn/a
mirrorFlip the image horizontally: on or offoff
flipFlip the image vertically: on or offoff
rotateDegrees to rotate the image: 0, 90, 180, 2700
descTextText description of the imageblank
descBgColorBackground color for the text description areagray
descFgColorColor for the text in the description areawhite
noiseLevelStrength of the pixel noise: -255..255-30
noiseFrequencySpacing of pixel noise (non-zero disables user change) 0 (none)
horizontalMove image horizontally: -left, right (pixels)0
verticalMove image vertically: -up, +down (pixels)0
distScaleMultiplier for pixel distance (for keyhole zoom)1
distUnitsDistance measurement units (eg: Miles)pixels
recordURL for recording Touchup settings (eg:
regNameLicensee name (when registered)n/a
regURLLicensed site URL (when registered)n/a
regCodeUnique code for Name and URL (Shareware if not present)n/a